Sunday, December 9, 2007


Christmas is really coming up fast. I've gotten a lot done behind the scenes, just haven't been here to update. My heart's just not been in it.
My Fuzzy Buddy is sick and it's been making me sick. I'm trying to do things to take my mind off things, but I'm not so good at that. I found Fuzzman in the foothills of Montana, in October, 1997. A pretty good snowstorm had just left and it was COLD. We found him in the middle of this HUGE bush and rushed him into the vet. Vet strongly suggested I not get attached to this 2-week old kitten, as there was a very slim chance he'd make it. I fed him kitty formula every 2-3 hours each day and carried him around in a basket I made. Wherever I went, he went.
Well, he made it alright, and has been the coolest cat on the planet! He has a lot of dog-type traits and he yowls when he's feeling frisky. Fuzzman likes to try to trip me as I walk around the house in the morning, making coffee and getting the day started. He just rocks! And he's so cool looking, too. Many people tell me he could be a Ragdoll. I've wondered about a million times how such a beautiful creature got to that bush in the cold. Especially since the nearest farmhouse was about 2 miles away. I don't know if his mom was moving her kittens and got caught by the storm or a wild animal or if he was the runt (hard to believe by is size) and she was moving only him. Whatever the case, he's been incredibly awesome and a part of my heart will forever sob if he doesn't pull through this. Here he is...


DIANE said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Fuzzman. Here I just emailed you and mentioned how quiet you had been and then I checked your blog. Sending you big {{{HUGS}}}

Dot said...

I hope your beautiful boy is feeling much better. I can tell you love him very much xx