I hope you're all having a nice, relaxing Sunday (or not so, if that's your preference)! Yesterday was jam-packed with birthday preparations for both a great-grampa and my hubster. I made a german chocolate cake and a carrot cake, eeeeeverything froim scratch. OMG, is brekkiie gonna be GOOOOOOOOD today! LOL!
artsnthemail posted a trade that, at first, I found impossible, interest-wise. The rule was that you could use one plain piece of fabric and one thread (any choice and you COULD use the metallic or holographic ones) to make a post card. I gotta say, my brain went, "HUH? Oh yeah, THAT'S gonna make for some great designs..." But it stayed in my head for quite a while and as I let go of the doubts, the ideas began to emerge. I ended up having a lot of fun making these deadly beauties and they took a LONG time to make. I rather like 'em and hope you do, too!
1 comment:
These are totally awesome! Now my stitching would be all wobbly.
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