Wednesday, February 20, 2008

You've Got Mail!

Mornin', fellow blog freaks! ;o)

I'm kinda on a roll this morning, as I'm working on some new pieces of art. I'm loving what's happening, so I thought I'd take a little break, grab a pear, and share with you a recent project. Yeah, this is a rerun for those of you who are Fiber Art Traders. So sorry, fiber fanatics!

One day my son, who's 5 11/12, came home and announced that he had to make and bring to school a box to hold the valentines he would receive from his classmates. I admit that I groaned inside because Denny is pretty particular and I just dreaded coming up with one rejected idea after another. The first thing I thought of was a mailbox. Ok, maybe this is because we've been having some mailbox problems lately. But I'll get to that later. Aaaaaanyway, Denny didn't seem too jazzed about it until I mentioned Thomas (the tank engine and friends - Denny LOOOOVES trains, especially T-man and his useful friends!). Percy is actually the engine who delivers the mail, and that's what saved me. Oooooooh, he loved the idea then! LOL!

So, we set to work on his new mailbox (which is constructed from various weights of chipboard, masking tape, red paint, velcro closure, and stickers) and we had SUCH a great time together!! It took us all day, but was so rewarding for both of us. He did make one change, and that was changing from Percy (who's green) over to James, who's red. His thinking weas that it was, after all, for love day, and love day is all about red, not green. Fine with me! The look on his face as we loomed closer and closer to completion was awesome. He was so pleased with it at the end that he could hardly sleep. He "tested" it several hundred times before going to bed. You know, just to make sure it would work. He was SO cute! The absolute BEST thing, though, was when he flung his arms around me and told me I was the BEST MAMA IN THE WHOLE WORLD! THAT'S what I live for! :o)

Here's the final product (just so ya know what makes a plain, ol' woman of the midwest turn into the BMITWW! LOL!). Make it a GREAT day!! Get those creative juices flowing!! Hugs, debmarie

1 comment:

Double D said...

OMG, that is so cute!!! You and your creative abilities! I shall bow down before when we get to meet in person! Hugs babydoll, and talk more soon!