Every child is an artist.
The problem is how to
remain an artist
once he grows up.
~Pablo Picasso
We began this gloriously fall-feeling day by going through our latest art books from the library. What ideas! We just spent a great time, the kids and I, making sidewalk paint. So easy peasy, you'll want to make it just to play with it for yourself. And perhaps you should. Even if you don't have any offspring. Make some and go out to a place on the cement and paint like you were still a child. Feel the sun (or breeze) on your face, smell the freshness in the air, and get in touch with that free spirit that allows you to create with abandon. Suns, rainbows, your name, stick people...
What cha need:
sticks of chalk
ziploc baggies
one cup for each color
one paintbrush for each color
Ready? EXcellent! Place one stick of chalk in each baggy and zip it up.
Now bash the daylights out of it with a hammer. Upset with your significant other? Your mom? Your boss? The idiot at the grocery store who smashed up your grapes by putting them in the bottom of the bag? Go ahead and take this opportunity to get that anger out.
Where was I? Oh yeah - hammer it until it's powder. Note: it's best to do this on the welcome mat as opposed to the actual sidewalk. The baggy can only take so much abuse before it tears. The welcome mat is a good buffer. Also, do this all outside and DO NOT breathe the chalk dust. The chalk itself is non-toxic (if you use kid chalk), but still - not good to breathe in a whole lotta chalk dust, ya know?
Pour one baggy of chalk dust into a cup. Add a little bit of water and mix it up with a dedicated brush. I started with a ratio of 1/4 (one part water to 4 parts chalk). Add more water as needed. We left our's kinda thick so the colors would be vivid and not wimpy on the sidewalk.
Zat's eet! Paint away! Then, once your little Picassos have had enough, simply hose it off with the sprayer set on "rip it!".
Have a fun, playful, childlike day - you deserve it!
Smooches & rainbows!