Thursday, February 19, 2009

100 Days Brighter

So my 5YO girly came home with this crown the other day (they're forever making crowns in school to celebrate special days, which I love, cuz then we wear them around all the time and feel like the Queens we ARE! LOL!). They celebrated the 100th day of school. It made me stop and think for a minute and wonder if I, too, was a hundred days brighter. I am proud to say that YES, I definitely AM a hundred days brighter!

I hope that you all, even if you're officially finished with school, are also a hundred days brighter. Treat yourself well and never EVER stop learning! Read, check things out from the library, take fun classes, do things with friends and family - whatever it takes. Just keep that brain growing and you'll always benefit from it.
I find this to be especially true during this bad economy (yeah, I'm tired of hearing about it every day, too, but I'm proving a point here). I mean, how much more depressed would we all feel without our art and our constant "yearn to learn"? I don't know about you, but I'd be pretty freaked out. I find solace in creating. In trying new techniques. In receiving trades in the mailbox that otherwise holds WAY too many bills.

Speech is over - now go get brighter!! :o)

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