Thursday, February 19, 2009

Garbage Anyone?

I'm a recycler. I don't usually USE things and turn them into useable things. I just place them into our newfangled recycle bin for the garbaggio guy to take. But then I happened upon a technique and I am LOVING it. Turning those plastic grocery bags into art.

Yeah, I hear you loud and clear. You don't need to scream: "WHY ARE YOU STILL USING THOSE THINGS?!?!" Right? Well, FYI, I don't still get them. Ok, except for earlier this week when I zipped off to the store and realized my fabric grocery bags were still in the Exploder, which my hub took to work. However, I have a zillion of these things out in the loft because I saved them and saved them. We have garage sales every year, sometimes a few different ones, so we were always using and reusing them. But from now on, I'm afraid people are gonna have to bring their OWN dang bags to our g-sale, cuz I'm using mine on cool stuff!

Aaaaaanyhoo, I made the above wallet (front, back and front opened up views) with plastic bags, paint, and a LOTTA fun! I'm revamping the process a bit and am really loving them! I'm almost done with a little purse for my 5YO princess. I'll post that once it's done.

In the meantime, Enjoy your day and feel it love you back!! Someone said that to me last week and I LOVED the way it made me feel! :o)

1 comment:

Cathie said...

Hey girl - this is really cool. Recycling, colorful and fun - what a package! Love it.